Boussena Sadek, Locatelli Catherine
Sources fossilesParution:
(2017)Titre Ouvrage:
Gazprom and the complexity of the EU gas market: A strategy to defineÉdition:
Post-Communist Economies, vol. 29, n° 4Pages:
pp. 549-564Confronted with an increasingly competitive market in the European Union and the credible threat of a new entrant in the form of liquefied natural gas imports from the United States, Gazprom’s traditional export strategy is open to question. The company must decide whether it should launch a price war in order passively to adapt to impending competition and its role as a ‘residual supplier’ to the EU gas market, or whether it should take advantage of the current price uncertainty. This article explores the scope for long-term strategic action by Gazprom other than simply engaging in a price war. It is argued that Gazprom could forge a position as a key player in the EU gas market capable of playing the same role as Saudi Arabia does in the global oil market.
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