Charfuelan Vikkareal Maria José, Losada Moreira Joao Manoel
September 2016Titre Ouvrage:
Household consumption of electricity in Brazil between 1985 and 2013Édition:
Energy Policy, vol. 96Pages:
pp.251-259This article describes the electricity consumption in Brazilian residences between 1985 and 2013 through linear regressions. The explanatory variables considered were the number of households, effective consumption of families as a proxy for family income, and electricity tariff for households. To deal with the power generation crisis of 2001 a dummy variable in the form of a step function has been introduced. The results allowed understanding the evolution over time of the household consumption of electricity in Brazil. They suggest that the electric sector in Brazil should pursue an active policy to manage demand of residential electricity using tariffs as a means to control it.