Keen Steve, Ayres Robert U, Standish Russell
Economie et politique de l’énergieParution:
March 2019Titre Ouvrage:
A Note on the Role of Energy in ProductionÉdition:
Ecological Economics, vol. 157, MarchPages:
pp. 40-46Energy plays no role in the standard Cobb-Douglas Production Function (CDPF), and a trivial role in a three-factor CDPF where it is treated as a third input, independent of labour and capital. Starting from an epistemological perspective, we treat energy as an input to both labour and capital, without which production is impossible. We then derive an energy-based CPDF (EBCDPF) in which energy plays a critical role. We argue for the redefinition and measurement of real GDP in terms of exergy. We conclude that the “Solow Residual” measures the contribution of exergy to growth, and that the exponents in the EBCDPF should be based on cross-country comparative data as suggested by Mankiw (1995) rather than the “cost-share theorem”.