Pirani Simon and Yafimava Katja
Histoire mondiale de l’énergiePréface:
February 2016Titre Ouvrage:
Russian gas transit across Ukraine post-2019: pipeline scenarios, gas flow consequences, and regulatory constraintsÉdition:
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, OIES paper NG 105Pages:
81 p.The future of the transportation of Russian gas to Europe is wide open. The role of Ukraine, historically the main transit corridor, will change after the current transit contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz Ukrainy expires on 31 December 2019. This paper focuses on the natural gas trade itself. It includes scenarios that allow a comparison of Gazprom’s long-term contractual commitments with possible gas flows in the 2020s through existing and possible future pipeline networks; it considers the regulatory issues and obstacles to building new large scale infrastructure of the kind Gazprom proposes; and it looks at the possible commercial and contractual frameworks for future gas transit across, and gas supply to, Ukraine.