Pyrgou Andri, Kylili Angeliki, Fokaides Paris A.

Economie et politique de l’énergie
August 2016
Titre Ouvrage:
The future of the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme in Europe: The case of photovoltaics
Energy Policy, vol. 95
pp. 94-102
The key objective of this study is the examination of the regulatory and policy framework of the feed-in-tariff (FiT) scheme, specifically its effect on both the electricity pricing as well as the local and European renewable energy sources (RES) market, and accordingly the definition of its feasibility as a scheme for the further development and promotion of renewable energy technologies (RETs). This work discusses the FiT scheme implementation for photovoltaics (PVs) in four case study countries – Denmark, Germany, Cyprus, and Spain. A model describing the conditions under which a FiT scheme is led to collapse is also introduced and a parametric analysis towards revealing the sensitivity of the different parameters affecting it, is delivered.