Sonnenschein Jonas, Mundaca Luis

Nouvelles technologies
June 2016
Titre Ouvrage:
Decarbonization under green growth strategies? The case of South Korea.
Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 123
pp. 180-193
The research casts light on the extent to which the Korean Green Growth Strategy has been effective in decarbonizing the economy. On the short term (2008–2012), most of the drivers displayed an enhancing effect on CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, with GDP per capita being the strongest driver. From a historical perspective (1971–2012), findings reveal that important drivers, such as energy and CO2 intensity even worsened their effects during the first years under the Green Growth Strategy. Despite recent policy developments, i.e. the introduction of a renewable portfolio standard in 2012 and an emissions trading system in 2015, several key policy challenges for decarbonization remain.