Tiba Sofien, Omri Anis

Economie et politique de l’énergie
October 2016
Titre Ouvrage:
Literature survey on the relationships between energy, environment and economic growth
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review
pp. 1322–1325
The aim of this study is to exhibit an exhaustive survey which is related to the great flight of the literature of energy- environment-growth nexus at the individual and regional scale studies covering the period from 1978 to 2014. The survey takes into consideration the sample (country, region, etc.), periods covering, econometric strategies, and conclusions. The survey is based on the causality direction among (i) the energy use variables (electricity, nuclear, renewable and non-renewable) and output growth; (ii) between economic growth and environment; and between the three variables at the same time.
(Accessed on january 2017)