Student of the École des Mines de Paris 1956-1959. Doctor of Science 1966, Faculty of Sciences of Orsay under the supervision of Pierre Gilles de Gennes and Jacques Friedel. Associate Professor, Department of Physical Measurements IUT of Orsay 1968-1971. Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University since 1971. Founder and Director of the Laboratory for the Study of Superconductivity since 1971. Chair in Experimental Physics 1982-2004. First director of the Gordon Center for Energy Studies 1983-1986.
Main lines of research: superconductivity, transport and optical properties of inhomogeneous media, granular materials. Energy and entropy.
Among his publications, two books:
– G. Deutscher, “New Superconductors: from granular to High Tc”, World Scientific, (2006)
– G. Deutscher, “The Entropy Crisis”, World Scientific, (2008)
… and others, many more than he has edited (in the Anglo-Saxon sense of the term):
– G. Deutscher, R. Zallen and J. Adler, “Percolation, Structures and Processes”, Adam Hilger, (1983)
– N. Bontemps, Y. Bruynserade, G. Deutscher and A. Kapitulnik, “The Vortex state”, NATO ASI series vol. 438, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1993)
– G. Deutscher and Y. Yeshurun, “Proceedings of the 2nd Israeli International-Conference on High-Temperature Superconductivity
– Eilat, Israel, 4-8 January 1993,” Physica C 209 (1-3), R9-R10 (1993)
– G. Deutscher and A. Revcolevschi, “Coherence in High Temperature Superconductors”, World Scientific, (1996)
– J. Bok, G. Deutscher, D. Pavuna and S. Wolf, “The Gap Symmetry and Superconducting Fluctuations in High Tc Superconductors”, Plenum (1998)
Article published in the Encyclopedia of Energy: