Engineer from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (INPG) and doctor in automation, was first a researcher at the Battelle Institute in Geneva, then an engineer at Telemecanique.
After becoming an industrial journalist and communicator, Claude Sourisse launched in 2012 within the framework of the InterCommunale University of Grésivaudan (UICG) a series of conference cycles, initially devoted to future resources from the living world.
With the leaders of the association: La Passion du Bois and in cooperation with the UICG, he then founded the Committee for the promotion of biomass through information and science (COVABIS). We can read The resources of the future from the plant world, 2017, 388 p., Edited by Covabis, Mairie de Saint-Ismier, Clos Faure, 38330.
Article published in the Encyclopedia of Energy:
Biomass and energy: from primary resources to final energy products