Thematic articles to discover energy in all its aspects
With an average length of 5 and 10 pages, they are aimed at a large readership warned of their difficulty in reading by the mention under the title of each of them: easy, not very difficult, fairly difficult, difficult. Articles are listed in the Encyclopedia in order of insertion, but they are easily accessible by keywords on the home page and by a search engine. In addition, they are linked together by references [] which structure the body of knowledge.
Biographies of the authors who wrote the articles
Their publication has a dual purpose: to personalize each thematic article and to make known the researchers or professionals who work on each subject dealt with. This information should allow readers to know where to turn to supplement the knowledge gained from reading the articles and, if the authors wish, to initiate a dialogue with them. (see Your Suggestions)

Bibliographical references to complete the thematic articles
Classified in alphabetical order of their authors, these data will facilitate, thanks to the search engine, the rapid gathering of a few works or scientific journal articles on a given subject, whether or not it is covered in the thematic articles. The references were selected solely on the basis of their quality and not of their relevance to current events, so as to encourage the development of a historical culture, essential for the understanding of present and future developments.
The presentation of competence centers on energy
They belong to universities, research organizations, companies or associations. Some can be of great help to readers who have not found the knowledge sought in the thematic articles or the bibliography. Establishing contact with one of these centers could lead to the discovery of new sources of information and even to fruitful interpersonal relationships.
Nom | Fonction |
Olivier Appert | délégué général de l’Académie des Technologies, conseiller du Centre Énergie de l’IFRI |
Jean Bornarel | physicien, professeur émérite à l’Université Grenoble-Alpes (UGA) |
Xavier Chen | président du Beijing Energy Club |
Jean-Marie Chevalier | professeur émérite à l’Université Paris-Dauphine, senior associé du Cambridge Energy Research Associates |
Alberto Clô | professore Università di Bologna |
Patrick Criqui | directeur de recherche CNRS émérite |
Lise Dumasy | présidente de l’Université Grenoble-Alpes (UGA) |
Maryse François-Xausa | vice-président R&D Energies Renouvelables, General Electric |
Gaël Giraud | économiste en chef de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) |
Mark Jaccard | professor School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver |
Patrick Levy | président de la Communauté Universitaire d’Etablissements (COMUE) Grenoble- Alpes |
Claude Mandil | ancien directeur général de l’Agence Internationale de l’Énergie |
Vincent Mazauric | directeur de recherche Schneider Electric |
Abdellatif Miraoui | président de l’Université Cadi Ayyad de Marrakech et président de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie |
Jacques Percebois | directeur du Centre de Recherche en Économie de l’Énergie de Montpellier |
Christian de Perthuis | professeur d’économie à l’Université Paris-Dauphine, fondateur de la chaire Économie du Climat |
Helder Pinto Queiroz | professor Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, ex director Agência Brasileira do Petroleo |
Jesus Antonio del Rio Portilla | director del Instituto de Energias Renovables, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Loick Roche | président de Grenoble Ecole de Management |
Youba Sokona | special adviser for sustainable development, South Center, Switzerland |
Thomas Sterner | professor of environmental economics, Göteborg University, titulaire de la chaire Développement durable au Collège de France en 2016 |
Jacques Treiner | physicien, chercheur associé UED/PIERI, Université Paris-Diderot |
Yongping Zhai | energy advisor, Asian Development Bank, Bangkok |
our correspondents abroad
Conseiller du ministre de l'Industrie
benhassine.achraf@gmail.com Nicolas Di Sbroiavacca
Vicepresidente Fundacion Bariloche
ndisbro@fundacionbariloche.org.ar Edmar Luiz Facundes de Almeida
Professor Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
edmar@ie.ufrj.br Edwin Cruz
ANDESCO Energia y Gas
Edwin.cruz@andesco.org.co Lisa Orlandi
Ricerche Industriali ed Energetiche
lisa.orlandi@rie.it Amidou Ballo
Thèse dans le cadre de l'Institut Supérieur de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée (SFRA)
Professeur, Ancien Président de la Société Marocaine de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (SMADER)
driss.zejli59@gmail.com Touria BARRADI
Professeur de l'Enseignement Supérieur, Expert en Energie, Ancienne Vice-Présidente de la SMADER
soraya.barradi@gmail.com Angel de la Vega Navarro
Profesor Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
adelaveg@unam.mx Isaac Castillo
Isaac.castillo.r@gmail.com Olga Garanina
St Petersburg University.
olgagarina@hotmail.com Enrique Patino Oliviera
enrique.patino.oliveira@gmail.com Jesus Mora Contreras
Investigator indepediente. Profesor jubilado Universidad de los Andes
Jesus.mora.contreras@gmail.com Bui Xuan Hoi
Professeur à l'Ecole Supérieure d'Economie et de Gestion, Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi
hoi.buixuan@mail.hust.vn Jean Marie RUGERINYANGE
Après une licence en psychologie clinique à l'Université Lumière de Bujumbura, Jean Marie RUGERINYANGE a exercé des fonctions de formateur dans le cadre de l'Institut Technique d’Enseignement Médical Poste puis de SWAA-Burundi Poste.
Your suggestions
Those who consult the Encyclopedia may in turn become its authors by reacting to what they discover there. They will fulfill this role whenever they make known:
- the subjects they sought, but could not find, in the Encyclopedia;
- topics they would have liked to see treated differently, specifying their preferences;
- the authors they would like to get in touch with;
- authors whose names they would like to see in the Encyclopedia;
- the skills centers they have requested, with or without success;
- bibliographic references to add or for which the comment could be modified (the latter is designed to increase the efficiency of the search engine)
- any suggestions relating to improving the quality of the Encyclopedia, in content and form.